C o l o r   W o r d s

Add secret meanings to your page!

In hexadecimal (RGB color) code, the possible values are
The color codes are written in terms of R, G, & B : # RRGGBB
The first two numbers are red, the second two are green, and the last two are blue.
0 is darkest, f is brightest.

#FF0000 = maximum red, no green, and no blue ----> darker: #880000
#00FF00 = no red, maximum green, and no blue.
----> darker: #008800
#0000FF = no red, no green, maximum blue.
----> darker: #000088
#000000 = no red, no green, no blue = black
#FFFFFF = maximum red, green, blue = white
----> darker: #bbbbbb
(the background of this page is #999999)

some in between colors:
#FF00FF = red + blue --> magenta ----> darker: #880088
#FFFF00 = red + green --> yellow
----> darker: #888800
#00FFFF = green + blue --> cyan
----> darker: #008888

orange is red + yellow: #FF8800 ----> darker: #AA3300
purple/violet is blue + magenta: #8800FF ----> darker: #3300AA

Some color code words

Use them for bgcolor, link, font color, and so on.
1 for i or L,
2 for z,
5 for s,
6 or 9 for G,
7 for T.

"_" denotes a space --> 0
(it often works to have a space in the code but it's safer to put in a zero ...
#11_111 vs #110111)

Position of space dictates color:

color words:
#2c105e (2 CLOSE)
#2_c01d (2 COLD)
#4_ace5 (4 ACES)
#4_b0de (4 BODE)
#7_5ea5 (7 SEAS)
#8_ba11 (8 BALL)
#8_beef (8 BEEF)
#81ef5e (8 LEFSE)
#abbe55 (ABBESS)
#ab0de5 (ABODES)
#abla2e (ABLAZE)
#acac1a (ACACIA)
#acce55 (ACCESS)
#acc057 (ACCOST)
#ac1d1c (ACIDIC)
#add1ed (ADDLED)
#ad0be5 (ADOBES)
#affec7 (AFFECT)
#af10a7 (AFLOAT)
#a1bed0 (ALBEDO)
#a16ae5 (ALGAES)
#a55e55 (ASSESS)
#a55e75 (ASSETS)
#a2a1ea (AZALEA)
#baabaa (BAA BAA)
#babb1e (BABBLE)
#bab1e5 (BABIES)
#badd06 (BAD DOG)
#baff1e (BAFFLE)
#ba6e15 (BAGELS)
#ba66ed (BAGGED)
#ba11ad (BALLAD)
#ba11e7 (BALLET)
#ba1107 (BALLOT)
#ba0bab (BAOBAB)
#ba5a17 (BASALT)
#ba51c5 (BASICS)
#ba771e (BATTLE)
#beb01d (BE BOLD)
#bec001 (BE COOL)
#be600d (BE GOOD)
#be5afe (BE SAFE)
#beaded (BEADED)
#bea575 (BEASTS)
#bee71e (BEETLE)
#befa11 (BEFALL)
#be66ed (BEGGED)
#be11e5 (BELLES)
#be17ed (BELTED)
#b16bad (BIG BAD)
#b1ade5 (BLADES)
#b1a575 (BLASTS)
#b1eed5 (BLEEDS)
#b10770 (BLOTTO)
#b0bb1e (BOBBLE)
#b0bca7 (BOBCAT)
#b0d1ce (BODICE)
#b00b00 (BOOBOO)
#b0061e (BOOGIE)
#b007ed (BOOTED)
#b055e5 (BOSSES)
#b0771e (BOTTLE)
#b020e5 (BOZOES)
#cabb1e (CABBIE)
#cable5 (CABLES)
#cadd1e (CADDIE)
#ca11a5 (CALLAS)
#ca11ed (CALLED)
#ca5aba (CASABA)
#ca571e (CASTLE)
#ca771e (CATTLE)
#cea5ed (CEASED)
#ce110s (CELLOS)
#c1cada (CICADA)
#c105ed (CLOSED)
#c105e7 (CLOSET)
#c0ba17 (COBALT)
#c0bb1e (COBBLE)
#c0c0a5 (COCOAS)
#c0dd1e (CODDLE)
#c0ffee (COFFEE)
#c00c00 (COOCOO)
#c001ed (COOLED)
#dabbed (DABBED)
#dabb1e (DABBLE)
#da221e (DAZZLE)
#deba5e (DEBASE)
#decade (DECADE)
#dec1de (DECIDE)
#decaf_ (DECAF)   or
    #_decaf (DECAF)
#deca1s (DECALS)
#dec0de (DECODE)
#deface (DEFACE)
#defea7 (DEFEAT)
#defec7 (DEFECT)
#def1ed (DEFIED)
#de1e7e (DELETE)
#de7ec7 (DETECT)
#de7e57 (DETEST)
#d10de5 (DI0DES)
#d0ab1e (DOABLE)
#d0d0e5 (DODOES)
#d0ffed (DOFFED)
#d0660d (DOG GOD)
#d0661e (DOGGIE)
#d011ed (DOLLED)
#d00dad (DOODAD)
#d00d1e (DOODLE)
#d077ed (DOTTED)
#ea5e1s (EASELS)
#efface (EFFACE)
#effec7 (EFFECT)
#effe7e (EFFETE)
#e1e1_0 (EI EI O)
#e1de57 (ELDEST)
#fa1a1a (FA LA LA )
#fab1ed (FABLED)
#fab1e5 (FABLES)
#facade (FACADE)
#fef1f0 (FE FI FO)
#fea575 (FEASTS)
#feeb1e (FEEBLE)
#fe11ed (FELLED)
#fe771e (FETTLE)
#f1asc0 (FIASCO)
#f122ed (FIZZED)
#f1eece (FLEECE)
#f10a75 (FLOATS)
#f100d5 (FLOODS)
#f066ed (FOGGED)
#f061e5 (FOGIES)
#f01ded (FOLDED)
#f00f00 (FOOFOO)
#f001ed (FOOLED)
#f007ed (FOOLED)
#6ab1ed (GABLED)
#6ab1e5 (GABLES)
#6a66ed (GAGGED)
#6a661e (GAGGLE)
#61ade5 (GLADES)
#602bed (GO 2 BED)
#6025ea (GO 2 SEA)
#60aded (GOADED)
#1de50f (IDES OF)
#1abe15 (LABELS)
#1ab1ed (LABLED)
#1ad1ed (LADLED)
#lad1e5 (LADIES)
#1a66ed (LAGGED)
#1a55e5 (LASSES)
#1a5505 (LASSOS)
#1eaded (LEADED)
#2c105e (LEAFED)
#1ed6e5 (LEDGES)
#1e66ed (LEGGED)
#1e55ee (LESSEE)
#10aded (LOADED)
#2c105e (LEAFED)
#10bbed (LOBBED)
#10ca1e (LOCALE)
#1066ed (LOGGED)
#1011ed (LOLLED)
#100fa5 (LOOFAS)
#l05535 (LOSSES)
#0b5e55 (OBSESS)
#0ce107 (OCELOT)
#0c7e75 (OCTETS)
#0ff1ce (OFFICE)
#0ff5e7 (OFFSET)
#01de57 (OLDEST)
#00d1e5 (OODLES)
#5ab1e5 (SABLES)
#5add1e (SADDLE)
#5a66ed (SAGGED)
#5a1ad5 (SALADS)
#5a15a5 (SALSAS)
#5a17ed (SALTED)
#5a55e5 (SASSES)
#5ca1d5 (SCALDS)
#5ca1e5 (SCALES)
#5c0ff5 (SCOFFS)
#5c01d5 (SCOLDS)
#5eabed (SEA BED)
#5ea1e6 (SEA LEG)
#5ea1ed (SEALED)
#5ecede (SECEDE)
#5eeded (SEEDED)
#5e12ed (SEIZED)
#5e1ec7 (SELECT)
#5e77ee (SETTEE)
#5e771e (SETTLE)
#51ea2e (SLEAZE)
#51ed6e (SLEDGE)
#501ace (SOLACE)
#5010ed (SOLOED)
#57ab1e (STABLE)
#57ee15 (STEELS)
#7ab1e5 (TABLES )
#7ab1e7 (TABLET)
#7a55e1 (TASSEL)
#7a771e (TATTLE)
#7a7700 (TATTOO)
#7ea5e1 (TEASEL)
#70dd1e (TODDLE)
#70ffee (TOFFEE)
#70071e (TOOTLE)
#2162a6 (ZIGZAG)

a few names:
#ba1b0a (BALBOA)
#becca_ (BECCA) or
              #_becca (BECCA)
#be11a_ (BELLA) or
              #_be11a (BELLA)
#cadd1e (CADDIE)
#ca1eb_ (CALEB) or
              #_ca1eb (CALEB)
#deedee (DEE DEE)
#de11a_ (DELLA) or
              #_de11a (DELLA)
#eff1e_ (EFFIE) or
              #_eff1e (EFFIE)
#601da_ (GOLDA) or
              #_601da (GOLDA)
#60eff_ (GOEFF) or
              #_60eff (GOEFF)
#2e1da_ (ZELDA) or
              #_2e1da (ZELDA)

then there are upside down number letters:
0 --> o (still looks like a 0 upside down)
1 --> i (still looks like a 1 upside down)
2 --> Z (still looks like a 2 upside down)
3 --> E
4 --> h
5 --> S (still looks like a 5 upside down)
6 --> q
7 --> L
8 --> B (still looks like an 8 upside down)
9 --> G
so you have a color possibility range like this:

and #999999 is this background color
also, see chart below.

color words:
#531738 --> BELIES
#537818 --> BIBLES
#093918 --> BIG EGO
#316618 --> BIGGIE
#904918 --> BIG HOG
#378808 --> BOBBLE
#008008 --> BOO BOO
#535508 --> BOSSES
#_01313 --> EI EI O_ or
              #01313_ --> _EI EI O
#379919 --> GIGGLE
#070919 --> GIGOLO
#538079 --> GLOBES
#378809 --> GOBBLE
#379909 --> GOGGLE
#009009 --> GOOGOO
#_35009 --> GOOSE_ or
              #35009_ --> _GOOSE
#070509 --> GO SOLO
#334334 --> HEE HEE
#501734 --> HELIOS
#_07734 --> HELLO_ or
              #07734_ --> _HELLO
#378804 --> HOBBLE
#040404 --> HO HO HO
#771381 --> I BE ILL
#500791 --> IGLOOS
#335537 --> LESSEE
#535007 --> LOOSES
#535507 --> LOSSES
#391780 --> OBLIGE
#553580 --> OBSESS
#4509_0 --> O GOSH
#450940 --> OHGOSH
#577345 --> SHELLS
#577145 --> SHILLS
#461375 --> SLEIGH
#372215 --> SIZZLE
#530452 --> 2 SHOES

a few names:
#315538 --> BESSIE
#317718 --> BILLIE
#351073 --> ELOISE
#312217 --> LIZZIE
#31220_ --> OZZIE or
              #_31220 --> OZZIE
#407145 --> SHILOH

birthdays come out dark green, blue or black,
since there's
R = 01 to 12 (for the months),
G = 01 to 31 (for days),
B = 00 to 99 (for years).
this does not take Y2K into account.

or, using dd/mm/yy
R = 01 to 31 (for the days),
G = 01 to 12 (for months),
B = 00 to 99 (for years)
you could have some browns and purples like these:


lucky or favorite numbers have a possible 00 to 99 for each color:
(#999999 is this background color)


007 007
2.99792 or 186000
42 42 42

all of the above on black, gray, and white backgrounds, for comparison.

Got any more? Let me know and I'll add them to this list.

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