astronomical notes

note #1

[1st GLIMPSE logo]
first logo
10-65 deg and l=295-350
over latitudes |b|<1 deg
  [GLIMPSE logo]
new logo
addition of l=11 to -11 deg


Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid- Plane Survey Extraordinaire

note #2

Two versions of HII regions in M31

[color image of bubbles]
false color purple, prettier

(r band and h alpha)
[b/w image of bubbles]
black & white, finer details
Caption for images above: abstract for poster at AAS meeting 188, 1996.


Caption for this image; and a larger version

a close-up view of lower section of the above images
Science Issues and Opportunities page, part of RPT-PS-G0075: Future Gemini Instrumentation at

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